"There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one [...] from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being evolved."
- Charles Darwin (On The Origin of Species)
If pressed to find the truth in things, I would say that it is in those words which remain unspoken, looks which remain unexpressed, and feelings which remain unconscious - limited in awareness to the actuality of their individualized existences... it is in the act of leaving that our caring for another is shown. Thus, it is only through the enlightened realization of the separation bred between the notions of the simulate and the origin-less copy (the simulacra), that we can begin to experience the world as it is rather than as it claims to be.
Tangled in the foreign sheets of an illuminating action, I experience perception aside from simulation hidden slight in the lips and eyes of another; a movement born of a thousand happenings and intricate parabolas, leading indefinitely to a single moment - a feeling, a connection, a passage in time. It is from such slight alleviates, that we gain the capacity to perceive humanity as a uni-willed socialization comprised of infinite forms.
In form, we are beings composed entirely of temporality, and it is in our mortality that the essence of our reasoning is conceived: There is an immediacy in every moment. Every connection we feel is of a single and inevitably passing constitution, thus making lively and apparent our need for instantaneous expression of all of who we are.
Connection is an evolution. It is a Neo-Darwinism, engendered by both selection and inheritance, that sets the imprisoned forms of humankind free from the cages of simulation, deception, and mundane predictability. Ergo, it is through the corridors of adulation that the essence of connection mediates the breaking of the transparent mold of simulated experience... And it is here, in the midst of such ameliorative calamity, that we begin to encounter the five phases of connectivity: Spark, familiarity, expression, exaltation, and continuation.
The first is born of a kiss, a look, a single word or utterance; it is of a conceiving connection - a feeling which precedes the knowledge of the why and stems only from the what is.
Consequently, one may then say that familiarity is found in a more continuous touch or extrapolated resonance - the ability to see the forms of a lover through closed eyes, or hidden deep within the world of a dream; ethereal recognition of the other within the self.
The third is an expression of this familiarity, a gratitude of the initial spark, a combination of two bodies in order to concentrate the feelings preceding knowledge - an action pulling away from existence in order to re-connect aside from brazen visibility. This goes much further than sheer aesthetic contends.
Exaltation is the joy of this very connection - the factor that demonstrates the inevitable conclusions of a pair's illumination.
Last, is that of continuation...
In both forms there has become one. A call to the origin of the two - the stardust of every nebula; a cradle of the life that has come to produce such odds as to bring two bodies, separated by oceans of difference, into this single respite in time. It is here that all histories stop, glow, and shine onto the present moment, creating a single breath aside from both space and matter.
This is the place where the truth sleeps when the sun has died. This is where all reasons are held at bay. It is a niche nourished in the whispers of two beings connected where God cannot be seen as separate - where the only Creator present is the moment in itself, and the ashen rise and fall of each lover's chest slowing humane immediacy into the infinite.
It is here that origin spurs, that formless evolution refines, and that eyes that smile before they see may sleep, may match, may reside.